Jim Garcia Castle Rock Realtor – Top 1.5% of All Agents & Teams Nationwide

Help Protect the Environment at Spring Up the Creek on May 6, 2017

By Jim Garcia

Looking for something fun, meaningful and helpful to do on Saturday, May 6? If so, look no further! There is a fantastic opportunity to help spruce up areas of East Plum Creek and Sellars Gulch as part of an organized volunteer opportunity called Spring Up the Creek.

This is an annual event that is designed to keep the community’s water ways and stream banks clear of trash and other debris.

Spring Up The Creek Volunteers

All ages are welcome – many hands make quick work.

Qs & As About Spring Up the Creek:

Who can participate in Spring Up the Creek? People of all ages are welcome to participate in Spring Up the Creek! The event is an excellent opportunity for children, teenagers and adults to give back to the community. Many business groups participate in this event each year.

Is a waiver required? Yes. A waiver must be signed before participating in this event. Please remember that if anyone under the age of 18 would like to participate, a waiver must be signed by a parent or guardian.

What is the event’s schedule? Registration will begin at 8:00 am on May 6 with free breakfast and coffee, and the cleanup will last from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. There will be a vendor fair from 10:00 am – 11:00 am.

Is Pre-Registration for Spring Up the Creek required? You may pre-register for this event, or you may register the morning of the event at 8:00 am.

Where should event participants meet on May 6? Due to construction at Festival Park, the event will be at Douglas County High School in the Far North Parking Lot – 2842 Front St. Castle Rock, CO 80104.

Will any tools or equipment be provided to volunteers? Absolutely. Gloves and trash bags will be given to volunteers. If transportation is needed to access various creek areas, it will also be provided. Breakfast burritos, coffee and a free T-shirt will also be available for participants.

Man Carrying Trash Bags At Spring Up The Creek

…need strong hands to finish the job!

If it rains on Saturday, May 6, will Spring Up the Creek be rescheduled? If there is rain or inclement weather, the event will be held on Saturday, May 20, 2017.

Who is the host of this event? The Town of Castle Rock is the host of Spring Up the Creek, along with Douglas County, Castle Pines Metro District, Plum Creek Water Reclamation Authority and the Chatfield Watershed Authority.

Will anything be going on after the cleanup work is done? Yes! After the cleanup is finished, there will be fun family-friendly activities such as crafts for kids, a bouncy house, face painting, and more.

Want to Volunteer but Can’t Make it to Spring Up the Creek?

If you would like to participate in community events in Castle Rock, or if you are looking for other volunteer opportunities in the Douglas County area, you have many options:

Volunteer At  Senior Affordable Housing

Volunteer at Senior Affordable Housing

  • The website volunteercastlerock.crgov.com contains an extensive list of events – including volunteer opportunities – that are open to the public. The list is searchable by date and by event category.
  • VolunteerMatch is a website that is designed to help individuals looking for a volunteer project find non-profit organizations that want your help. The website allows users to search for volunteer opportunities by location and by event category including those related to animals, environment, health, seniors, children, community, and much more.
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